There’s a saying: “Fail to plan, plan to fail.”  That’s more than a figure of speech — it's sage wisdom. 

Truth is, companies and people who think things through several moves ahead in the game consistently have the upper hand.  They make less mistakes and they are more nimble to best a competitor, to recognize and leverage change to their advantage, to achieve the confidence it takes to capture the leading edge.  They dominate markets and nurture the loyalty of their partners and customers.

The first step in having a powerful and effective end-to-end business strategy is knowing who you are now and who you want to become.  Once you’ve planned your work, it's time to work your plan.  Picture yourself behind the wheel of your car.  Some things remain constant but the road conditions are always changing.  The mark of a great company is knowing what parts should remain constant and which parts must be allowed to change dynamically with the new scenario.

Our services are grouped into three distinct practices: BRAND IMAGE, STRATEGY & TACTICS, and CAPITAL MARKETS

Clients can mix and match between these service areas or use all three.  What’s important is this:  These are the THREE KEY DRIVERS of any business that must be in tune with one another for you to be a power player in your industry and we cover the gamut:


BRANDING and CORPORATE IDENTITY are about infinitely more than pretty logos and catchy slogans.  It's about conveying a clear message to your target audience about your place in the world and your value proposition to them.  Strategists approach this differently than marketeers do.  Great branding and corporate ID has more to do with removing the parts that undermine your value message and making sure your goals are clearly stated so prospects, partners, customers, and your own people have a very clear understanding of the mission and their role in advancing that mission.  Along those lines, we help shape the CORPORATE CULTURE so your brand message is genuine and your people truly “walk the talk.”


BUSINESS STRATEGY is about keeping a plan of action for getting from Point A to Point Z... and all points in between.  For some, it's a matter of PROCESS IMPROVEMENT like streamlining operations, elevating the customer experience, and using technology to improve decision-making through automation, reporting, and statistical analysis.  For others it's about BROADSIDE SOLUTIONS (fixes to unanticipated problems and emergencies).  Services in that area include management restructuring, crisis control, tactical troubleshooting, turnaround actions, contract (re)negotiations.  For still others, it's about GROWTH INITIATIVES which includes rolling out new products and services, expanding operations to reach new markets and territories, establishing and maintaining strategic alliances, and restructuring capital to make growth happen.  This area also dovetails into our next area of practice.


When it's time to jump to the next level of growth planning, it's time for CAPITAL MARKETS which includes Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), Private Placements, Reverse Mergers, Venture Capital, and Institutional Funding.  We can also assist as part of your DUE DILIGENCE team ascertaining the suitability to acquisition targets and in ASSET INTEGRATION (developing a plan for integrating the people, contracts, fixed assets, and intellectual property into your existing organization).



“A business strategist serves the same purpose as the headlights in front of your
car — to illuminate the darkness and extend your vision; to help you prepare for approaching change; to seize opportunities and avoid everything from minor potholes to major pileups.”

-Robert Holtz, Founder

A business strategist serves the same purpose as the headlights in front of your car.